fan⋅cy [fan-see]

1 imagination or fantasy
2 the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery
3 a mental image or conception
4 an idea or opinion with little foundation
5 a caprice, whim, vagary
6 critical judgement, taste
8 the fancy, Archaic. people deeply interested in art or sport
9 of superfine quality or exceptional appeal
10 depending on imagination; whimsical; irregular
11 much too costly; exorbitant or extravagant
12 to form a conception of; picture oneself
13 to take a liking to
14 to believe without being absolutely certain

24 August 2009

Eagle Nebula

The beloved Eagle Nebula.

One of the most fancy nebulae, in my opinion.
What makes it especially whimsical are its "Pillars of Creation", where stars were born. I must use the past tense here, as the Eagle Nebula was destroyed 6,000 years ago by a supernova... bittersweet-ly, the light from the new nebula won't reach our dreamy earth-eyes for another million years or so. And who knows where we'll be then?

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former fancies

fancy fans


FancyTown, USA
"Tell me where is Fancy bred, Or in the heart or in the head? How begot, how nourished? Reply, reply."

what's so fancy?