--noun 1 imagination or fantasy 2 the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery 3 a mental image or conception 4 an idea or opinion with little foundation 5 a caprice, whim, vagary 6 critical judgement, taste 7 LOVE 8 the fancy, Archaic. people deeply interested in art or sport --adjective 9 of superfine quality or exceptional appeal 10 depending on imagination; whimsical; irregular 11 much too costly; exorbitant or extravagant --verb 12 to form a conception of; picture oneself 13 to take a liking to 14 to believe without being absolutely certain
It's been raining for days and days. On my way home Wednesday, the sun checked in to see if we were surviving! It was lovely, but it didn't last. The rain moved back in after about ten sunny minutes.
I decided to head for the snow instead, a much fancier precipitation. Photos from the snowy film fest to follow, or you can read a play by play here.
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